Thursday, March 26, 2009

My current life

Ingatkan nak sambung cerita yang lepas, tapi macam malas je nak menaip..

So, today dah genap seminggu aku dah tak bekerja..Ya Allah, rasa cam best gile duk kat umah. Sejak SPM paling lama pon dapat cuti sebulan, sbb lepas sebulan SPM terus masuk UTM...Mmm, pastu kat UTM ada la cuti lama kot, masa cuti sem. Tapi seingat aku aku keje gak masuk cuti, jadi cikgu sementara...Then habis UTM, aku terus jadi RA, pastu dapat offer masuk Sime Coatings, pi keje (sbb nak duit of course)...dan Dec 2004 aku join Schlumberger...Join Schlumberger tak yah cakap la, keje cam nak gile. Masa single syok la, tapi bile dah ade commitment keluarga, agak susah sket la...sampai la 18th March 2009, aku officially berhenti daripada Schlumberger..

Kenapa ek aku berhenti...? Mmmmm, ada banyak sbbnya..nanti la tulis...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

We'll do something when the time comes..

In the evening of 3rd Feb 2009, before I left the office, I went to my boss's room and said,"Sorry guys to interrupt. Luca, I have a love letter for you."Then, I just left the office, walked to the parking place and drove off my car. As usual, I waited for my beloved husband in front Avenue K, I parked the car just in front of Quattro club. Few minutes later, my phone rang, and Willem asked me," Aisyah, what happened?" I was just smiling while talking on the phone and said,"No, it's nothing to do with the company or whatsoever. I am doing this because of my family. I want to focus more on my kids, since I am now pregnant with my second baby. And I know that you understand better than me."

And Willem said, "Oooo, ya..I understand. So are you coming to the office tomorrow, or you won't." And I said, "Yes, of course. I will follow the standard process, in which I need to give 6 weeks notice." He replied, "OK, see you tomorrow then..." Then, my husband came, and he took over the driver seat. So, I said to him, "Abang, ayang dah letak jawatan." And he said, "OK."

As usual, he drove the car towards the baby sitter's house in AU5, Keramat to pick our daughter, a cute 16 months year old Aleeyah. And then, towards our house in Villawangsamas Condominium, Wangsa Maju. Malam tu macam biasa je. We have discussed about this for quite sometime, and we have reached an agreement. However, he just let me decide whatever I want for myself.

The next morning....