Sunday, June 21, 2009

Lamanya tak update blog

Dah lamanya tak update blog...Mmmm I've been busy for quite sometime..Busy? Some people may ask? Apela yang si Esah ni busy kan. Kan dah keje..? :)

A'ah kan, aku dah berhenti dari Schlumberger dah 3 bulan. Sedar tak sedar ye. Tu la, tapi skang ni macam makin busy la pulak daripada keje, but I enjoy what I am doing now since no one can tell me what to do, but I do things on my own, my way...And most important I have flexible time to spend with Aleeyah.

I believe I will be busier after this, after signing the franchise agreement..and submitted loan application to PNS. Harap-harap dapat cepat la approve, so I can continue with another step - renovation, procurement, etc. Tak sabar rasanya. There are many things to be done, and I am doing all the things alone...Takpe, pengalaman.

I learn many things by doing what I am doing now....And there are many things that I learned during my 'working life' before that I can apply at this stage. There are really beneficial. One of the most valuable thing that I learned from the companies that I worked with was project management. It is very important, especially to set up a business..Because now, I am using my money and I am taking the risk, instead of getting monthly pay check like what I had before.

Fuuh...I just need to be strong and think positive all the time. Patience is one of the most important things and getting things done as planned is another key point to success. However, there is one more question that I really need an answer (and for sure I will not get the answer now) - am I getting the targeted number of customers? Mmmm..tough to answer now..

OK la. Mengantuk pulak. Starting from tomorrow, I need to attend the one week training session organized by the franchisor. Tak sabar jugak nak attend this training.

So, tido la dulu. Aleeyah pon dah tido. Sian die kena campak...Cau cincau

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Orang Malaysia - Kurang Keyakinan Diri? (2)

Yesterday, as usual, we went to Aleeyah's Gymboree class in Bangsar Village - Level 4 class at 11.10 am. Aleeyah was quite cooperative yesterday, because maybe she had enough sleep. Kalau tidak, die buat suka hati die je..I know that actually she learns a lot from the classes, although most of the times in those classes she just observed, or sometimes cried. But, back at home, when she listens to music, she always dance like what the instructor taught her - clap her hands, tunjuk tummy, knee, semuanya la..

In the first day that I sent Aleeyah to the class, the owner explained to me that one of the elements that can be developed from the activities in the class is self-confidence. The activities are simple - for a 15 months child (at that time) - crawl through a tunnel (for a kid, this needs self confidence), sitting in the middle of a moving parachute, climbing through obstacles, etc. The activities in Gymboree were developed by experts in Early Childhood Education to stimulate a child's development, because I think we all know that the brain develops rapidly at the first 2 years of life. So, as a parent, I believe that I have a role in my child's development by stimulating her and preparing the best condition that I can (to support her brain development) such love her, give the right food to her, avoid from exposing her to toxicity, etc. Will this work? I don't know, let see another 20 years whether it works :) It's like investment.

So, back to the topic, kurang keyakinan diri dalam diri Malaysian. As I wrote in previous post, I believe that the second factor that contributes to lack of self confidence in a person is education from home (pendidikan di rumah).

2. Pendidikan di rumah

I don't know how many of us believe that education actually starts from home, from the womb actually. Di dalam keluarga saya ada ramai pendidik - my mum, my sister, most of my cousins, my late grandpa, etc. Mereka selalu bercerita yang kadang kadang ibu bapa marah kepada guru-guru kerana tidak pandai mendidik anak anak mereka..? Hmmm...bila saya dengar ni, saya tertanya, tidak malukah ibu bapa tersebut berkata begitu, sbb sebenarnya mereka mewar-warkan bahawa mereka yang tidak pandai mendidik anak. Berapa lama anak tersebut dalam didikan mereka? Let say, kalau budak 12 tahun, dah kira 12 tahun 9 bulan si ibu ada pengaruh terhadap si anak. Berapa lamakah guru spend masa dengan anak tersebut, setakat beberapa jam sehari, itu pon dengan 40 kanak kanak yang lain, sedangkan ibu dan bapa hanya menjaga cuma mungkin 4 org, atau mungkin seorang sahaja..

Jadi, although I am not an expert in education, I strongly believe that education starts from home, termasuk untuk membesarkan seorang anak yang berkeyakinan tinggi. Bagaimana ya hendak menjadikan anak kita berkeyakinan diri tinggi? Saya bukanlah pakar, tetapi pada pendapat saya, mungkin cara cara di bawah boleh membantu:

a) Seperti yang telah disebutkan dalam post yang lalu (budaya masyarakat menyebabkan anak kita kurang keyakinan diri), jadi sebagai ibu bapa, kita jangan lah mengulang atau mendidik anak kita dengan cara tersebut. Selalunya, ibu bapa cuma mengambil cara bagaimana ibu bapa mereka didik mereka. Tidak salah sebenarnya, mesti ada baiknya. Jadi ambil part yang baik saja lah. Ibu bapa perlu banyak membaca buku buku tentang perkembangan budak , utk mendapat panduan membesarkan anak. Dan sekarang juga, ilmu di mana-mana - internet, tv, radio, even from kindergarten. Jadi saya rasa perlu dihentikan lah budaya budaya masyarakat yang boleh membantutkan keyakinan anak-anak seperti yang telah disebutkan. Galakkan anak memberi pandangan tentang sesuatu perkara, galakkan mereka berimaginasi (can help to develop right brain) dengan menceritakan imaginasi permainan mereka kepada kita, jangan memarahi mereka (walaupun mereka kecil) di hadapan orang kerana ini akan memberi impak negatif yang besar dalam diri anak, biarkan mereka bertanya dan jawablah soalan mereka sejujur dan sebijak mungkin, galakkan mereka bergaul secara positif kerana mungkin ini bole mencungkil bakat kepimpinan dalam diri mereka, tidak memaksa anak mengikut pendapat atau ape yang kita mahu shj kerana ini akan menjadikan anak membesar sebagai seorang follower, bukan leader. Anak yang kuat jati dirinya akan cuma terjejas sedikit sahaja jika diperlakukan seperti di atas, tetapi anak yang agak lemah jati diri akan membesar sebagai seorang yang tidak berani menyuarakan pendapat.

b) Saya percaya bahawa anak yang diberi 'exposure' yang luas akan menjadi anak yang yakin. Ini berdasarkan pemerhatian saya kepada anak-anak yang cuma dibesarkan di satu kawasan sahaja, bergaul dengan orang yang sama dengan anak-anak yang dibesarkan dengan didedahkan kepada dunia (melancong ke tempat tempat lain), dibawa bersama untuk aktiviti aktiviti masyarakat, dibenarkan bergaul dengan masyarakat (tapi kita kena pantau), sejak anak tersebut kecil. Saya selalu perhatikan anak anak foreigners (anak kawan kawan) dan juga kanak kanak yang main di Kids Sport mempunyai keyakinan diri yang tinggi. Mereka bole menyatakan pendapat mereka dengan berani. Ini yang menyebabkan mereka membesar menjadi seorang yang yakin dan bole berjaya dalam hidup (walaupun bukan pandai mana sgt). Saya percaya bukan cuma anak yang pandai boleh berjaya, tetapi individu yang yakin dan tahu ape yang die mahukan dalam hidup boleh menggapai kejayaan!

To be continued later, Aleeyah is hungry, she wants to eat soup :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Orang Malaysia - Kurang Keyakinan Diri? (1)

Tengahari tadi, aku dan Aleeyah pergi KLCC. Ingatkan dapatla nak makan dengan Abah die skali, since Aleeyah tak pernah makan lunch dengan Abah die waktu office. Tapi, MasyaAllah, no parking at all. I tried all the parking entrances in KLCC, semua tak boleh nak masuk. Then, I remembered that there was PIKOM exhibition in KL Convention Centre. Jadi, useless to try lah, so, just called my hubby and passed to him the docs that I wanted to give him, then we went straightaway to PWTC, nak tgk pameran Smart Kids.

As expected, there was no parking available in PWTC too. Jadi park kat The Mall je la. Cuma susah sket la because kena bawak Aleeyah naik tangga, cross the road, etc. dengan stroller die sume. Tapi takpe, yang penting semangat nak pergi. Di mana ade kemahuan, di situ ade jalan!

Keseluruhan, the exhibition was quite OK. Banyak jugak la I got from the exhibition - education concepts, centres for kids' development, barang-barang budak, makanan2 baru, etc. Banyakla..We got lots of free magazines as well.

Jadi, balik aku pon baca la majalah2 tu. Ada satu artikel ni yang menarik perhatian aku "Taklah, anak lelaki saya tak pandai." dalam majalah Ibu dan Ayah keluaran 2007 (majalah lama ni, tu yang bagi free). Penulis cuba menyampaikan bahawa sikap orang Asia yang suka mengkritik anak secara terbuka dan pantang untuk memuji anak menyebabkan kurangnya keyakinan diri dalam diri anak, sekaligus si anak akan membesar sebagai seorang yang berkeyakinan diri rendah dan tidak menggunakan sepenuhnya potensi diri.

I totally agree with the writer! I notice that Asian, specifically Malaysian has lack of self-confidence. It happens to me too..! I need to work hard to overcome that problem, and now still working on it. Alhamdulillah, by working in an international company for 4 years, I have learned and improved on self-confidence, tapi kena banyak practice lagi. I notice that, sebenarnya mat saleh ni takde la pandai mana pon. Cuma, bila bercakap, mereka yakin dengan apa yang mereka katakan.

Another factor jugak sebenarnya ialah cara ayat disusun. Mengikut kajian, orang Eropah dan Amerika bercakap ikut point dan objective. Tetapi masyarakat Asia tidak begitu. Apabila masyarakat Asia berkata-kata, kadangkala pointnya tidak sampai. Ini adalah masalah aku yang aku cuba tangani jugak. It is because the way we think. That is why, selalunya apabila mat saleh bercakap, org akan percaya dan impress. It is because they speak to the point. Tapi bila orang Asia bercakap, mesejnya tak sampai dan nampak seperti bercakap hampeh :) Mungkin keyakinan diri adalah salah satu faktor? Aku rasa ya juga...Macam chicken and egg la pulak.

Pada pendapat aku, lack of self-confidence in many Malaysian (especially Malays) is caused by 3 main factors:

1. Budaya masyarakat
2. Pendidikan di rumah
3. Pendidikan di sekolah

1. Budaya Masyarakat

Seperti yang ditulis oleh penulis, budaya masyarakat kita yang suka mengkritik anak seperti,

- "Ko ni nakal sangat. Nak jadi apa ni?" pada anak yang masih berusia 5 tahun
- "Si Mamat ni bukannya pandai. Main je keje die." di depan jiran tetangga (konon konon nya nak merendah diri)

akan menyebabkan anak tersebut memahat kata kata itu dalam otak mereka, apatah lagi sekiranya kata kata itu diulang banyak kali, menyebabkan mereka membesar dengan percaya bahawa mereka adalah seperti yang dikatakan oleh ibubapa mereka. Di dalam Islam juga diajar bawah setiap kata kata ibu bapa itu adalah doa kepada anak-anak mereka. Dan sekiranya perkara buruk yang didoakan/disebutkan berulangkali, maka jadilah perkara tersebut. Dan adakalanya, ibu bapa cuma mahu merendah diri (supaya orang tak kata berlagak), walaupun mereka tahu potensi diri anak. Cuma kerana budaya masyarakat yang seperti 'tidak membenarkan anak dipuji, nanti naik kepala' menyebabkan mereka mengkritik anak, di sebalik memuji dan menggalakkan. Apabila anak melakukan kesalahan, anak terus dimarahi, tetapi bila mereka melakukan sesuatu yang baik, jarang jarang dipuji atau tak pernah dipuji.

Satu lagi budaya masyarakat, terutama masyarakat Melayu yang saya kurang setuju ialah larangan keras untuk anak anak berbicara dengan orang dewasa. Selalunya, orang tua akan kata begini,

"Jangan menyampuk cakap orang tua. Pegi masuk bilik." atau
"Ko ape tau, ko budak kecik. Diam diam aje udah."
"Ko ni asek tanya benda mengarut je la. Pegi la baca buku tu. Mak ada banyak keje lagi nak buat. Mak nak masak lagi, kang ko tak makan kang." bila anak bertanya pasal kejadian hujan (contohnya).

Tidak salahnya mengajar anak berdisiplin, tapi sekiranya anak tersebut di larang terus untuk bersuara, ini memang akan menyebabkan anak hilang keyakinan diri terus. Anak tersebut akan takut untuk menyatakan/menyuarakan pendapatnya kerana khuatir akan dimarahi dan anak tidak akan berani menjawab soalan di khalayak ramai kerana dikhuatiri dikatakan bodoh. Hasilnya ialah seorang anak yang suka menyimpan sesuatu dalam dirinya. Kecuali, anak tersebut adalah seorang yang nekad, yang memang tak peduli apa yang dikatakan oleh ibu bapa, tapi masih mahu menyuarakan pendapatnya.

Budaya 'tak boleh bersuara depan orang dewasa' tidak patut diamalkan lagi sekiranya kita mahu bangsa Malaysia maju ke hadapan, menjadi pemimpin masa hadapan. Bukannya kurang ajar jika anak menyuarakan apa yang mereka rasakan, asalkan caranya betul. Pada pendapat saya, tidak salah anak bersuara bertentangan dengan pendapat ibu bapa. Ibu bapa kena tahu cara untuk meyakinkan anak dengan pendapat mereka, dan mungkin pendapat anak tersebut benar, siapa tahu. Ibu bapa perlu membuang ego "Aku ibu/bapa. Aku tahu semua." Perbincangan bole diadakan secara baik. That's the keyword - Perbincangan secara baik. Ajar anak supaya berbincang/bermesyuarat secara baik, tidak menengking menengking.

OK, ni saja untuk hari ni. Esok nak pegi umah mama, jemput mama, pastu balik kampung, ambik maid nenek, pegi antar LCCT, die nak balik Jakarta..Tempoh perkhidmatan tamat..

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My current life

Ingatkan nak sambung cerita yang lepas, tapi macam malas je nak menaip..

So, today dah genap seminggu aku dah tak bekerja..Ya Allah, rasa cam best gile duk kat umah. Sejak SPM paling lama pon dapat cuti sebulan, sbb lepas sebulan SPM terus masuk UTM...Mmm, pastu kat UTM ada la cuti lama kot, masa cuti sem. Tapi seingat aku aku keje gak masuk cuti, jadi cikgu sementara...Then habis UTM, aku terus jadi RA, pastu dapat offer masuk Sime Coatings, pi keje (sbb nak duit of course)...dan Dec 2004 aku join Schlumberger...Join Schlumberger tak yah cakap la, keje cam nak gile. Masa single syok la, tapi bile dah ade commitment keluarga, agak susah sket la...sampai la 18th March 2009, aku officially berhenti daripada Schlumberger..

Kenapa ek aku berhenti...? Mmmmm, ada banyak sbbnya..nanti la tulis...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

We'll do something when the time comes..

In the evening of 3rd Feb 2009, before I left the office, I went to my boss's room and said,"Sorry guys to interrupt. Luca, I have a love letter for you."Then, I just left the office, walked to the parking place and drove off my car. As usual, I waited for my beloved husband in front Avenue K, I parked the car just in front of Quattro club. Few minutes later, my phone rang, and Willem asked me," Aisyah, what happened?" I was just smiling while talking on the phone and said,"No, it's nothing to do with the company or whatsoever. I am doing this because of my family. I want to focus more on my kids, since I am now pregnant with my second baby. And I know that you understand better than me."

And Willem said, "Oooo, ya..I understand. So are you coming to the office tomorrow, or you won't." And I said, "Yes, of course. I will follow the standard process, in which I need to give 6 weeks notice." He replied, "OK, see you tomorrow then..." Then, my husband came, and he took over the driver seat. So, I said to him, "Abang, ayang dah letak jawatan." And he said, "OK."

As usual, he drove the car towards the baby sitter's house in AU5, Keramat to pick our daughter, a cute 16 months year old Aleeyah. And then, towards our house in Villawangsamas Condominium, Wangsa Maju. Malam tu macam biasa je. We have discussed about this for quite sometime, and we have reached an agreement. However, he just let me decide whatever I want for myself.

The next morning....

Sunday, July 20, 2008

My new hobby - Making dolls

Mmmm..Supposed to continue my opinion about oil issue. Tapi malaslah nak pk pasal minyak minyak ni..Kalau bole tanak pk langsung. Bosan aku asek pasal minyak je..Keje minyak, berita dengar pasal minyak, pakcik teksi cakap pasal minyak...Eee...tak bestnya..

So now, I want to talk about my new hobby - making dolls! I was actually searching for soft dolls to buy online. But I did not find any that I like, until I visited one site, which the dolls are really 'alive'. At first I thought there are porcelain/vinyl dolls. Pastu rupanya soft dolls. Cantik gile..Tapi those dolls are expensive kalau nak beli. Then, I noticed that they also sell patterns to sew those fantastic dolls. However, again, although the price is much less than buying the dolls, tapi still belikan? Jadi, aku browse dan browse, found one site - Runo doll maker. She showed step by step how to make dolls - for FREE!

Jadi aku pon tatau semangat ape yang masuk dalam badan ni :) I straightaway said to my husband, "Bang, kita carik mesin jahit jom." Then my husband said, "Nak buat ape? Ayang bukan tau menjahit pon." Adoi...Sabar je la kan...Tapi aku kata la I can learn...Dan dengan baiknya laki aku kata, "OK la, jom kita carik. Tapi kat mana." I said, "I don't know, kat kedai letrik la kot ek?" And you know what, none of electrical shops in Setapak and Wangsa Maju areas sells sewing machine.Baru aku tau. Siap kena gelak lagi ngan mamat kat kedai Wangsa Maju. But anyway, he suggested that I go to Singer shop in Sentul.

So, we went to Sentul. Luckily, my baby was so nice that day. She slept on the way to Sentul. And, wow! Many sewing machines! Dan oleh kerana aku tak pernah menjahit sejak habis kelas kemahiran hidup (form 3 if I am not mistaken), jadi I didn't have a clue what I was looking for. And there was a nice lady in the shop helped me out. She suggested that I buy a simple, basic machine (since I am not expert). Betul jugak. Cheap and OK la...I was looking for one step button hole maker, but she said that the 4 steps is easier and ke..? Ntah la, I don't know. She showed me a demo..Nampak senang gile die buat..Aku bule buat ke..? Bole, Yakin BOLEH! Jadi, I just said to her, "OK la kak, saya amik yang ni la...."

Go to the 'cashier', then I paid RM845 (if I am not mistaken, lupa dah harga die). Then, again, the nice lady did a complete demo on how to use the machine. Very beneficial..! Aku dah la nak tekan paddle tu pon cam menggigil...Huuhuhuhuhuhu...Then, lepas habis demo, my husband took the sewing machine, masuk dalam kete...and yeah! Aku ade mesin jahit! But where to put? On dining table ka? Mana bole bro...We went to Carrefour, bought one small study table....Yezza..Now I can start my hobby!

Ye ke...? Bole ke start? Nak jahit ape? Mesti la ade kain, polyester fibre fill, etc...Cut short the story, one day, I was not feeling very well, so cakap kat boss, "Boss, nak balik, ade benda peribadi sket" - Dalam English la sbb boss aku Italian. Tak bole nak tulis English, kang kalau die terbaca blog ni...pecah rahsia...huhuhuuhuh. Masa tu maseh awal, then, I straightaway drove to Jalan TAR...Fuyyooo..Mission accomplished. I found all the things that I want there! Now I can really start! Pastu balik umah, I really felt sick....Rupanya my husband and baby were sick as well....Tapi disebabkan semangat yang membara, aku start jugak menjahit beb!

Initially I made the small doll...Tapi jadi sakit hati pulak...Tak sabar aku nak jahit benda kecik kecik ni...So, I changed to Nekomimi doll. Actually wanted to do life size baby doll...Tapi besar sgt - 24". Jadi aku buat yang kecik dulu la...16" doll rasanya..BUt the plan is to do Nekomimi doll with baby doll's ears. Sbb Nekomimi pakai telinga kucing..Tak best nya!

So, up to now...I have finished making the head...Just need to paint the face and glue the hair. But, I need to sew the body, hands, legs, ears and clothes....Mmm..tak sabar nak siapkan...The head is quite complicated because it has 3 layers of cloth. And since I am not an expert in sewing, muka jadi senget sket la...Hahahaha...takpela, asal nampak cam kepala bole la kan...? I will put the picture of the first ever doll that I made here..!

Okess..Time to sleep....ZZZZZZ

Friday, July 4, 2008

About Oilfield Employees

I just want to write this down, since recently I have received hundreds of emails from other Malaysians who complained about the compensation given to oilfield employees. This of course triggered by the increase of oil price in Malaysia. And sadly, what they only see is Petronas. And worst, they are now punishing Petronas employees for receiving those benefits...Mmmm.. And more, they compare Malaysia's production with big oil producer like Saudi, Venezuela, Libya, etc.

There are many things that I want to comment from these emails. I was thinking about these things during my flight back to KL (from Labuan). I am also one of oilfield employees, but not working for Petronas. So, luckily, nobody 'punishes' me :)

First I would like to comment about the comparison made regarding the oil price in here and in the mentioned countries. NONE of the countries is developing country. I agree that the oil price is so low. But please think that they are big producers. Saudi is producing 1/4 of world's oil. Venezuela if I am not mistaken is the 4th producers (but recently the production decreased due some political issue/country's policy). One well in Saudi can produce similar as one field in Malaysia is producing. The cost of development is of course low since the location is onshore. Ours are located offshore. Bayangkan lah kalau nak korek tanah dekat belakang rumah kan senang. Tapi kalau disuruh korek tanah dekat dalam sungai, takkan bole nak pakai cangkul je kan?

And other Malaysians who never been to these countries don't know that oil price is the only cheap things that you can buy there. But the groceries are expensive. Even a bottle of mineral water is much expensive than the oil price.

I was working in Venezuela for about 6 months (tak lah lama sangat). I don't buy stuff there because they are expensive. From food, to shampoos, to any households, etc. What is the point of having lowest oil price in the world if all necessary goods are expensive? Do you want to drink a bottle of oil instead of a bottle of mineral water? And even recently they have a problem in which no milk supply is available.

And other countries that I see on someone's list to compare the oil price are not developed countries. Why don't they compare with europe, australia, usa, etc? My Australian friend told me that in Australia, each gas/oil station has their own price. And the price changes according to the world price. What don't we compare our country with these countries?

Why in this case, we want to look back and compare with negara yang tak maju? Do we want to live in 60s or 70s? Nobody wants right? Malaysian will keep complaining - "Isk, jalan berlubang-lubang. Tak reti nak buat jalan elok sikit ke?" atau "Ala, takkan meeting dalam bilik cabuk macam ni. Pegi la kat hotel 5 stars ke", etc. From development point of view, we always say that "Kenapa la Malaysia ni tak macam Paris, bersih je. Ini sampah merata." Pandai pulak cakap macam tu ye? This shows that we desperately want development, which is good.

But to become a developed country, Malaysians need to have the right attitude towards it. No success will come easily. What I am trying to say is that, for example Encik M la kan:

"Negara kita ni kena mementingkan kebajikan rakyat. Mana bole harga minyak naik, pastu semua nya naik. Nak makan batu ka?," Encik M was talking to his friend while drinking teh tarik at Mamak stall at 10 am in the morning...Tengah mengular ni..And at 10.30 am he is still there without realizing that his boss was looking for him like crazy in the office. Encik M wants the government gives everything to him, without need to work to get it. Mana bole. Get real la. Go back to the rule of thumb - The strongest person will always win and the weakest person will always loose. Will we become strong by doing nothing? Will we get gains without even trying anything? Will we get high rewards without working for it? NEVER! High Pain, High Gain! High Risk High Gain!

So Encik M, please, if you don't have enough money, that is your problem. Not the government. Think of what you need to do? What is your mitigation plan? What did you or do you do wrong that makes you earn very few, or actually earn a lot but spend too much?

We just need to ask ourselves, how do I survive in this situation. Do I need more money, or do I need to save more money. When should I take actions? How? Where? Etc..Etc.. Look at yourself first and try to improve your 'system' first before looking at others. Like pepatah Melayu 'Jaga tepi kain sendiri dulu sebelum jaga tepi kain orang'. Obviously that ourselves are the only person that we can manage. And maybe our family...It will be very very difficult to change others, or to change the system. Just start from ourselves!

OK..That's it for now la..Point no 2 will be continued later on :)